Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Burris that wasn't

7/24/2012 WOD:
12 Cleans from squat (25 lb)
15 Deadlifts (65 lb)
18 Kettlebell Swings (18 lb)
400 meter run
Time: 30:30

Tonight's workout was the longest by far and surprisingly I was the first one finished in my heat. Sure I have the lightest weight, but it's still pretty damn tough for little ol' me. The crazy thing is my time probably could have been about 2-3 minutes faster because I was sharing a bar for the deadlift so I had to wait for the girl next to me to finish. Luckily after the second round I was a little ahead so there wasn't any more waiting.

Tonight was my first WOD involving deadlifts and running.

 I wasn't totally sure where to start weight wise with the deadlift but the instructor suggested 65, partially because he knew it was a good starting point for me and partly so I could share a bar. I'm curious to see what I could lift if we were doing max weight.

The running sucked! Looking at the workout I thought it would be a little break in between rounds, but it was probably the hardest part. Not that running 400 meters is hard at all, but running it after squat cleans, deadlifts and kettlebell swings is a little more difficult.  Add 90+ degree humid heat to it and you've got a not-so-fun recipe. Luckily the trainer and fellow class-mates pushed me to keep at it and not use it as a time to walk and recover. I even managed a little sprint at the end of my last round.

Verdict: Still feeling really good about my decision to add CrossFit into my life. It's a wonderful workout and I really look forward to seeing everyone in class. And knowing they'll notice if I'm not there makes me want to go even more. It's a fantastic 'club' to be a part of.

Something else happened tonight for the first time that I wasn't nearly as excited about. My local cupcake shop, Sweet, was out of my favorite cupcake. It was a really sad time for me that I hope I never have to talk about after today.

Here's what happend: My workout buddy and I had planned on Saturday that after tonight's class we would go get The Burris (my tied-for-first-with-the-Snickers favorite cupcake) then rent Friends with Kids (please go rent it right now, amazing writing and cast!!!!!) and call it a night. Well she didn't make it in time for the start of class so she got stuck in the second heat so I went on my merry way to pick-up our cupcakes since it was nearing closing time. The thoughts running through my head when I saw they only had 3 varieties left that didn't include The Burris probably shouldn't be repeated. I couldn't leave empty handed so I ordered two Blackouts (chocolate on chocolate...super yummy) and left with my head hanging. While the night wasn't ruined, it wasn't quite the same. And now I have to wait a whole week to get my grubby little mitts on that cupcake.

I'm considering starting a petition to get Sweet to add The Burris to the menu two day's a week instead of just one. The nice young lady helping me tonight even said lots of people request it being on multiple days, so I'm sure I could find some signers, somewhere. If you'd like to sign the petition please let me know!

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