Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Round Two

Not only was I still mobile today after last night's WOD, I went back for more tonight! I must be going crazy as I get older.

7/10/2012 WOD:
GHD until failure, 3 rounds (Floor to wall sit-ups until failure, 3 rounds) 60
Metcon: AMRAP {as many reps as possible}, 10 minutes
10 Kettlebell Swings (18 lb)
10 Double Unders (40 single unders)
Rounds: 10.25 rounds

I didn't really clarify in my last post, but since I'm still very new to this I'm having to adjust the WOD to fit what I can do. What's in parenthesis next to the movement is weight I used and if it's italicized it's my variation of the movement. I know, no one cares that much, not even the guys at PDCF, but it's mostly for my record keeping and to see if I'm improving with time.

I'm feeling even better about the decision to add CrossFit into my life and about choosing PDCF as my gym. They guys and gals are unbelievably nice and the encouragement is off the charts! High fives all over the place.

So what's new for today? Nothing...so far.

However, I made a small little list of a few firsts I've conquered recently, so I'll do a little backtracking as we go along here to make sure I don't leave anything out.

This is actually something I did last night, so I suppose yesterday had two firsts. Are you on the edge of your seat yet?

Last night I fixed my toilet, all by myself. Zero help. I didn't use Google to find a solution. I know, go me! Yes, I realize this probably was a pretty simple fix that a normal person wouldn't get so excited about, but I'm pretty pleased with myself.

I don't know the technical terms of toilet parts so I found a handy little diagram that may help me explain the problem I faced.

Here's what went down: The flush handle just stopped catching causing the toilet not to flush. So I took the lid off the tank and noticed the chain wasn't attached to the flush arm and was hanging out in the bottom. I wasn't about to stick my arm in the tank because it was filled with water. Being the smarty that I am,  I MacGyvered a solution by using two bamboo skewers to pick up the end of the chain from the bottom so I could grab it and reattach it to the flush arm. Luckily that worked and my toilet is now flushing away!

Here's hoping I don't have any real toilet/plumbing problems in the future and can continue to fix anything that comes my way.

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