Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's Tuesday and I'm still recovering.

Eventful doesn't quite describe my past weekend. I'm not sure there's a good word but I'll let you know what happened and you can tell me if you've got a word. The best part is that it was filled with all sorts of new experiences and goodies!

We'll start with Friday. My weekend kicked off Friday afternoon with my first visit to my cities downtown after hours event. Why have I not been to it before? Bands playing. Good food and drinks. Hanging out in the currently-being-revitalized-downtown area that I'm thrilled to support. Great friends and company. Luckily there are 2 more left before they 'close up shop' until next summer. 

At this fabulous downtown after five event, there was a little tournament of sorts going on. A first annual tournament for the city. A tournament I suggested to my friends and somehow got roped into participating in.  This $500 cash prize tournament I entered was for Corn Hole. For those who aren't familiar with the "sport", it's basically bean-bag toss. Wikipedia does a better job of explaining it than I do. Wikipedia probably plays Corn Hole better than I do too! Our team, aptly named Throws Like A Girl, didn't do so swell. Luckily it was double elimination so we got to play two games. Two games that resulted in the following scores: 21-0, 21-3. I did manage to sink a shot, but so did the other team so it was negated. Despite the outcome, I had a blast and even ended up on the front of the newspaper Saturday morning!

Saturday started out with a VERY early wake-up call from my mother at 6:45am telling me I was on the cover of said newspaper. She assumed my lovely doggies woke me up early. She doesn't understand that my dogs are fabulous and that I can tell them to sleep in on the weekends. Fortunately the rest of my Saturday was pretty relaxing, but not relaxing enough to squeeze in a nap.

I was invited to a gathering Saturday night at a friends house to watch some of the Olympics and play some cards. I think I may have briefly mentioned before that while I don't care what other's do, I don't drink. I have my reasons, mostly that I just can't get past the taste. I'm perfectly content sipping on some soda! Anywho, after the Olympics wrapped the guys were still playing drinking games so the girls joined in. Being a non-drinker I usually end up watching the games instead of participating, but I played a little this time. Beer or not, it was a blast! Sure, there were a few sarcastic "Drink your cherry pepsi!" comments, but I didn't care and they didn't really either. 

After wrapping up the games and playing D.D. to my not-so-sober friends, I called it a night at 3am. I haven't seen 3am in probably over a year. I struggle to stay up past 12 most nights so I'm not sure how I managed 3am on a day I was up earlier than normal too. You're body does crazy things in the name of fun!  

The weekend concluded with a relaxing afternoon at my parents pool with the ladies. I believe we may have gone into too heavy of a state of relaxation because it was decided we were going to cap the weekend off by making super yummy and mega unhealthy party foods to enjoy while watching the Olympics. We made enough food for 15 people, but there were only 4 of us eating. Our friend, the CrossFit trainer, joined us too but he has will power like I've never seen so more foodies for us! Total there were 4 dips, pasta salad, wontons, wings, and pigs in a blanket. Watching the best athletes in the world perform while eating junk food is a really weird feeling.

Verdicts: Corn Hole is more fun in your backyard than in competition. Downtown city events are a blast and I must attend more. Drinking games, sober or not, are plenty fun and full of entertainment. And only agree to party food night when you have at least a solid 8 people in attendance to eat and don't allow anyone to bring more than 1 dish unless the second includes a fruit or vegetable. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012


As I've mentioned previously, I got the idea to start this blog because I realized I was doing a few things for the first time in my life and wanted to continue to keep trying new things. I kept a short list of those few things that I was proud of for an occasion just like this one. Let's delve a little into the past few months....

Killing A Spider
I don't do bugs. Any kind. Not at all. I don't want to be within 5 feet of them especially in my house. Fortunately I don't come across many bugs, spiders, or other creepy crawly things indoors very often and when I have there has always been someone less afraid than myself to make it go away.

Unfortunately I didn't have the pleasure of having someone around a little while ago while I spider was crawling across my dining room floor. I put on my big girl pants, threw a paper towel over it and stepped on it. I just hope that I don't come across anything bigger or grosser when home alone!

Mowing the Grass
I know, I'm 28 and I should have cut the grass at some point my life before now. Let me defend myself! First, my father enjoyed spending time in the yard and it was his thing. My mom, sister and myself didn't do yard work unless it was helping plant an occasional flower or two. Second,  after college I moved into an apartment with my fiance. No grass to cut. Third, when my husband and I did buy a house with a yard, he handled the yard and I handled the house. I got my hands dirty in the flower beds, but the grass was all his.

Well, it's just me and my two doggies now and unfortunately they haven't mastered the push mower just yet. Back in May I decided it was time I tackle the yard and the mower. I filled her up with gas, checked the oil and went on my way. Front and back in one fell swoop.

I learned a lot that day. I learned it really wasn't so hard, even without a self-propelled mower. I learned I'm not as fond as I was for the two little trees in my front yard anymore. I also learned running 3 miles before cutting the grass is a really bad idea.

While I'll still happily get my behind my little mower for the sake of a neatly mowed lawn, my wonderful future brother-in-law really enjoys yard work so he's stepped in as the summer's gotten hotter.

Fixing a Clogged Drain
Okay, I've attempted to fix a clogged drain before. Pour a little drain-o down, wait the allotted time, water drains as it should. However that was never a permanent solution for the bathtub in my master bathroom. It would last for a couple of weeks then would slowly start holding water again. This went on for probably a year.

Then Pinterest saved the day!!!!

About a month ago I came across a pin for fixing a clogged drain. It only involved baking soda, vinegar and boiling water. Cheap and easy, I liked it even more. I figured worst case it didn't work and I'd go back to the un-trusty drain-o.

Guess what? It worked!!!! Over a month later and the water is flowing through the drain with zero problems!  I'll never buy a bottle of drain-o again! Thanks Pinterest!

While non life-altering, those are a few things I've accomplished in the last 3 months or so. I'm looking forward to see what else I can tackle.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Burris that wasn't

7/24/2012 WOD:
12 Cleans from squat (25 lb)
15 Deadlifts (65 lb)
18 Kettlebell Swings (18 lb)
400 meter run
Time: 30:30

Tonight's workout was the longest by far and surprisingly I was the first one finished in my heat. Sure I have the lightest weight, but it's still pretty damn tough for little ol' me. The crazy thing is my time probably could have been about 2-3 minutes faster because I was sharing a bar for the deadlift so I had to wait for the girl next to me to finish. Luckily after the second round I was a little ahead so there wasn't any more waiting.

Tonight was my first WOD involving deadlifts and running.

 I wasn't totally sure where to start weight wise with the deadlift but the instructor suggested 65, partially because he knew it was a good starting point for me and partly so I could share a bar. I'm curious to see what I could lift if we were doing max weight.

The running sucked! Looking at the workout I thought it would be a little break in between rounds, but it was probably the hardest part. Not that running 400 meters is hard at all, but running it after squat cleans, deadlifts and kettlebell swings is a little more difficult.  Add 90+ degree humid heat to it and you've got a not-so-fun recipe. Luckily the trainer and fellow class-mates pushed me to keep at it and not use it as a time to walk and recover. I even managed a little sprint at the end of my last round.

Verdict: Still feeling really good about my decision to add CrossFit into my life. It's a wonderful workout and I really look forward to seeing everyone in class. And knowing they'll notice if I'm not there makes me want to go even more. It's a fantastic 'club' to be a part of.

Something else happened tonight for the first time that I wasn't nearly as excited about. My local cupcake shop, Sweet, was out of my favorite cupcake. It was a really sad time for me that I hope I never have to talk about after today.

Here's what happend: My workout buddy and I had planned on Saturday that after tonight's class we would go get The Burris (my tied-for-first-with-the-Snickers favorite cupcake) then rent Friends with Kids (please go rent it right now, amazing writing and cast!!!!!) and call it a night. Well she didn't make it in time for the start of class so she got stuck in the second heat so I went on my merry way to pick-up our cupcakes since it was nearing closing time. The thoughts running through my head when I saw they only had 3 varieties left that didn't include The Burris probably shouldn't be repeated. I couldn't leave empty handed so I ordered two Blackouts (chocolate on chocolate...super yummy) and left with my head hanging. While the night wasn't ruined, it wasn't quite the same. And now I have to wait a whole week to get my grubby little mitts on that cupcake.

I'm considering starting a petition to get Sweet to add The Burris to the menu two day's a week instead of just one. The nice young lady helping me tonight even said lots of people request it being on multiple days, so I'm sure I could find some signers, somewhere. If you'd like to sign the petition please let me know!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Chippers are not my new best friend

7/23/2012 WOD:
For time
10 Thrusters (25 lb)
20 Hang Clean (25 lb)
30 Burpees
40 Box Jumps
50 Sumo Dead lift High-Pull - kettlebell (18 lb)
60 Sit-ups with medicine ball (8 lbs)
70 Double Unders (280 singles)
Time: 19:56

To say this was tough is an understatement but I finished in under 20 minutes so I'm thrilled. I'm also really excited because I wasn't sore from Thursday or Saturdays WOD, even with the higher weights. I guess I'm finally adjusting and adapting. 

I'm actually writing this on my phone from the gym and I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's WOD. I'm losing my mind.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A fender bender of sorts

So today I experienced something for the first time. Something that hasn't made my life profoundly better. Something I probably could have done without.

My sister backed into my car this afternoon at my parents house. Yeah, I really could have done without that. It's not the first time my car has been hit, even been backed into in a drive way, but it's the first time my sister's done it.

Actually I want to retract the previous statement that she backed into it. That's not right. She slammed into it going backwards. My sister has a bit of a lead foot, even when backing out of the driveway. My parents have warned her about it before. I've warned her about it before. Hopefully she learned a little something from this incident!

My parent's driveway is four cars wide. Left to right her car was in the first spot. My car was behind my mom's who was in the third spot. So it was technically only two car widths over. Not too far for her to cause the damage that actually happened. I have photo's but before I would like to elaborate on how hard she really hit my car. And let me clarify that she drives a Toyota RAV-4 and I have a MINI Cooper. Both smaller-ish cars.

She hit it so hard she knocked the back corner of her bumper off. And damaged the metal under the bumper. So hard that she moved the back end of my car a little more than a foot. That she turned the driver side mirror around. So hard the driver side window shattered. That the door and interior door panel separated near the hinge. So hard that the interior door handle and speaker were almost hanging out the door panel. So hard that she asked me if I parked crooked because she moved the back end of my car about 1.5 feet.

Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture after it happened, but here's the damage after I got home. It's going to be a breezy ride for a few days. 

For someone who just had their car smashed and will have to deal with the hassle of getting a rental or finding rides to and from work, I was pretty calm. It's just a car. Sure it sucks that my parents insurance will probably go up since my little sis is still on their policy and they have a deductible to meet to get both of our cars fixed, but no one was hurt. And it's just a car. It can be fixed.

If anything good comes from this it's that I hope my lovely little sister has realized saving 1/2 a second getting out the driveway isn't that important. And to not rely on her mirrors only.

There is one more positive that I'm a little excited about. For almost a year the motor in my drivers side window has been slowly dying. Not something that effected my cars ability to get me from point A to point B and a rather expensive fix so I've been putting it off. Well guess who's probably getting a new door and saving some money on that repair?

There's always a silver lining. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

A quickie

The past few days have been a little busy, but I've gotten two more WOD's in that I need to share. A full length post coming soon full of firsts, promise!

7/19/2012 WOD:
3 RFT, 1 minute per station, total overall reps
Wall Balls (8 lb)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (25 lb)
Box Jumps
Push Press (25 lb)
Row (for calories, not reps)
Total: 203

7/21/2012 WOD:
21-15-9, for time
Push Press (35 lb)
Broad Jumps
Clear finish: 30 burpees
Time: 7:57

I was only planning on going to three class this week, but after Thursday's workout I wasn't feeling too bad and my trainer friend was teaching this morning's class so I decided if I was awake I would go. He gave me a heads up on the workout so I knew it wouldn't be too bad, but he conveniently left out the burpee part.

While most of this is still new to me, Thursday was different because I haven't done one with stations like that before. Plus we had 10 people so it was a little tight, but still really enjoyed it.

This morning was another first as well. First Saturday class, first morning class, first time pressing more than 25 lbs for more than 3 reps, first time going to a class without my training buddy, and first class with all new people. So glad I was up early this weekend! Small class today, only 4 of us and only 3 of us were members. We had a woman who was here from Texas visiting family that came in who was at the CrossFit games last weekend as a spectator. It was neat to hear about other gyms and what other people do across the country.

Overall, I'm LOVING CrossFit and wish I had started sooner. I can totally see how it becomes part of a lifestyle for people.

Now to spend the rest of my day relaxing and recovering. And working on my ensemble for next Friday's City Corn Hole Tournament. Yeah, that'll be a first too!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It hurts to type

I'll start this off by getting my WOD over with, which is exactly how I feel when I'm doing it.

7/17/2012 WOD:
Sled push, 165 lbs: 14 yards
Metcon: For time
100 sit-ups
40 goblet squats (18 lb)
50 burpees
40 goblet squats (18 lb)
100 sit-ups
Time: 19:06

To say that today's WOD sucked is an understatement. I was really anxious about the sled push because we didn't have a choice on the weight, all women did 165 lbs. I was pretty sure I wouldn't move it, but decided if I could that 10 yards was my goal. As far as the metcon, I'm still not totally sure how I finished it, especially in under 20 minutes. All I know is that everything between my neck and shoulders is completely fatigued. And yet a little part of me is looking forward to what Thursday's class holds. 

The best part of tonight was when I finished an my trainer friend came over and said to me, "You said you couldn't do it. Bullshit" He was right. I didn't think I could move the sled. I didn't think I could survive 200 sit-ups, but I did. 

I'm going to back track again to my handy dandy list of things I did for the first time before I started this little thing. Today's topic: going out on the town in Charleston. 

Having grown up in South Carolina, I've been to Charleston plenty of times. I even went a few weeks ago on a whim to see a band play and drove right back so I could be at work bright and early the next morning. So visiting that fabulous city is not new to me whatsoever. However, going down for the night with the sole purpose of getting dressed up and going to bars and clubs, that's brand spanking new! 

Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty quiet, not one who dances in public, and not one eager to go bar hopping since I don't drink. So getting all dressed up, putting on my most comfortable heels (they don't exist) and going bar hopping looking for the best music to move to was totally new to me. It's not that it was something I never wanted to do, we just don't have the best locations in my city and going to Charleston for the night didn't really cross my mind. 

Verdict: It was a blast and next time I'll choose better footwear. The group got split up after dinner at Hōm and we ended up at a tiny bar/club called Torch. The atmosphere was good, the music was a little more techy than I think most of us wanted, and the mix of people were a bit odd, but overall I was pretty disappointed when it was time to leave. I wasn't taking over the dance floor, but I danced a tiny bit with my group of friends and loved every second of it. One of the girls who went with us is a student at College of Charleston so we're already making plans to go back in the fall to visit and go out again. And I'm ready to count the days! I'm working on my confidence for next time to dance a little more. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Another day, another WOD

This will be short and sweet.

7/16/2012 WOD:
3 attempts of clean lift, max weight (55 lbs)
Metcon: AMRAP, 18 minutes
5 Thrusters (25 lbs)
100 yard sprint
Rounds: 14

I felt great after today's workout. While I had the lowest weight on the board for the clean, 55 lbs was still an accomplishment for me. [Edit: I noticed when I went back on Tuesday, I didn't have the lowest anymore. Someone at the 7:30 class, cleaned 45lb]

I really pushed myself at the end of the 18 minutes. I managed to get one last round in the last minute. And I did my thrusters with 10 lbs more than I did last week.

I'm learning that while I didn't think I had much in regards to stamina, that's my strong suit when it comes to CrossFit. I knew I would struggle with the weights, but I felt really good when it came to the running today.
And the encouragement was off the charts again today! I think that is absolutely my favorite part of this new experience. Love it!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Third Annual Camping Trip

After three fabulous fun-filled days in the woods, I'm back indoors with my pups. I'm not the most outdoorsy girl in the world, but I do love our annual camping trip and I'm beyond thrilled that with the circumstances this year it still took place.

As I just mentioned this was my third year in a row heading up to Lazy J's campground in Rosman, NC, where we usually do the same activities of playing in the river that runs along our camp site, hiking to Rainbow Falls and Turtle back, and eating way too much junk food. So how might I have done something for the first time on this trip I've taken three years in a row? Let me elaborate.

Camping Solo
I've never gone camping 'on my own.' I've either gone with my parents when I was younger or with my husband. This year, I was responsible only for myself and didn't have anyone else there to partner up with for activities. Sure, there were ten of us total and anyone would have happily helped me with anything I needed, but I didn't have that one person that was my go-to. And not once did I feel singled out for being 'single.' Verdict: I'd camp solo any day.  Sure it sounds selfish and I enjoy camping as a team, but I really relished in doing what I wanted and only having to think about me for a change.

The Tent
For some setting up a tent can be a difficult task. I'm not that person. Read the directions, make sure all the necessary parts are there and it's a breeze. However, I've never had to set up my extravagant 4-person tent on my own before. I usually get cast as the direction-reader and part-giver-outer. Not this time, I got to do it all! And little ol' me did it all on my own. In addition to setting it up on my own, I got to enjoy the spaciousness all alone too. A tiny bit of me was a little anxious it would feel totally empty and the scary noises in the woods and granddaddy long-leg silhouettes would keep me up at night. Verdict: No matter the size, tent assembly (and disassembly) is pretty easy without assistance and there's no one to bicker with. Torrential downpours, weird noises, and bugs aside, sleeping alone was a breeze! I've actually never slept better on a camping trip than I did this year. 

Wade in the Water
The French Broad River runs right along Lazy J's campground which is the main reason I don't even consider going anywhere else to camp. No matter what anyone else is doing, it's always perfectly acceptable to walk about 5 feet from the campfire and wade in the water. It's even more acceptable to pick up the river rocks and throw them near others who are wading thus splashing water in their face. I find it very difficult to accurately describe how amazingly perfect the river water is at Lazy J's, but here's a pretty good visual. It's crystal clear and the perfect temperature.

So back to the theme, what could possibly be new related to this river that I've camped next to for three years running?

First, they've been getting lots of rain so the water is at least a foot higher than normal. Because of that we were able to rent tubes and float down through the grounds without having to stand up and walk over the rocks this year.

Second, a short walk north of our camp site is a pretty great swimming hole and rope swing.  A bit of water I've never been in before. Guess who was in it this year? Guess who jumped off the rock pictured below and swam across to the swing? Guess who climbed up the set of super sketchy shaky rocks and lept off the rope swing? If you guessed me, you win a prize! It took some convincing for me to swing of the rocks, but all I could think was it's not something I would normally do, I have three people here all cheering me on who have my best interest at heart and why not?

Third, every year on our trip we make the drive to Gorges State Park and hike to Rainbow Falls then on to Turtleback. Other than the amazing scenery and views, we mostly make the hike for everyone to slide off Turtleback. It looks something like this:

I've never slid down Turtleback. I have the irrational fear that I'll freak out right before I go over and throw my head back thus causing me to black out, float past the huge boulders and plumet to my death over Rainbow falls below. I know, I'm crazy! This year I was coerced into a binding pinky-promise that I would go over. However, because fo the aforementioned heavy rainy season and rising waters, Turtleback was deemed suicidal. 

Verdicts: Tubing was a blast and I was thrilled the water a bit higher this year at the campground so we could enjoy it. Happy doesn't begin to describe the feeling I felt after swinging out over the water on the rope from the shaky rocks. I was so proud of myself for climbing up there (with assistance of course) and doing it even though I was scared and shaking! And while I didn't get the chance this year to go down Turtleback for the first time, seeing how much of a difference a few days rain makes was absolutely astounding. Seeing the power of the water and knowing if anyone went in we'd never speak to them again definitely gave you something to think about. 

I'm sure there is plenty of other things I'm leaving out about this weekend as well, but my brain is still a bit fuzzy from the windy mountain roads. All in all, it was wonderfully relaxing weekend with great friends and I hope we're still able to do it again next year. 

**I didn't play photographer this weekend and don't have copies of this years adventures just yet. All the pictures above are from last year's trip. As soon as I get my mitts on a picture of Turtleback and Rainbow from this year I'll add one from comparison purposes. **

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Round Two

Not only was I still mobile today after last night's WOD, I went back for more tonight! I must be going crazy as I get older.

7/10/2012 WOD:
GHD until failure, 3 rounds (Floor to wall sit-ups until failure, 3 rounds) 60
Metcon: AMRAP {as many reps as possible}, 10 minutes
10 Kettlebell Swings (18 lb)
10 Double Unders (40 single unders)
Rounds: 10.25 rounds

I didn't really clarify in my last post, but since I'm still very new to this I'm having to adjust the WOD to fit what I can do. What's in parenthesis next to the movement is weight I used and if it's italicized it's my variation of the movement. I know, no one cares that much, not even the guys at PDCF, but it's mostly for my record keeping and to see if I'm improving with time.

I'm feeling even better about the decision to add CrossFit into my life and about choosing PDCF as my gym. They guys and gals are unbelievably nice and the encouragement is off the charts! High fives all over the place.

So what's new for today? Nothing...so far.

However, I made a small little list of a few firsts I've conquered recently, so I'll do a little backtracking as we go along here to make sure I don't leave anything out.

This is actually something I did last night, so I suppose yesterday had two firsts. Are you on the edge of your seat yet?

Last night I fixed my toilet, all by myself. Zero help. I didn't use Google to find a solution. I know, go me! Yes, I realize this probably was a pretty simple fix that a normal person wouldn't get so excited about, but I'm pretty pleased with myself.

I don't know the technical terms of toilet parts so I found a handy little diagram that may help me explain the problem I faced.

Here's what went down: The flush handle just stopped catching causing the toilet not to flush. So I took the lid off the tank and noticed the chain wasn't attached to the flush arm and was hanging out in the bottom. I wasn't about to stick my arm in the tank because it was filled with water. Being the smarty that I am,  I MacGyvered a solution by using two bamboo skewers to pick up the end of the chain from the bottom so I could grab it and reattach it to the flush arm. Luckily that worked and my toilet is now flushing away!

Here's hoping I don't have any real toilet/plumbing problems in the future and can continue to fix anything that comes my way.

Monday, July 9, 2012

In the beginning...

Without delving into the entire story of why,which may come later, I have noticed a trend in my life as of late. I've been trying lots of new things, many of which for the first time in my life. Things that most people who know me might say "Emily did that?" with the look of shock and awe smeared across their faces.  Well maybe not shock and awe, more like confusion or surprise. Quiet little me has been doing some things that aren't very 'me' lately.

I've decided this would be a fantastic opportunity to keep track of these new things I've been incorporating into my life via this wonderful handy little blog. I'm hoping by keeping up with these new things and how I feel about them I'll figure out if they've been a part of me all along or if it's something I'm just doing to scratch it of a figurative list. And that maybe I'll try even more new things for the first time because I'm writing here.

So here's goes nothing....

Unfortunately keeping a blog isn't new or a first, however if I can maintain it for longer than a month that will be a first for sure!

Today's first is CrossFit.

I was not ever and still have a hard time considering myself an athlete or athletic. I started running, irregularly, about 2 years ago and have been playing non-competitive Ultimate Frisbee with friends almost weekly for about a year now. I've been been a card-carrying gym member off and on for about 5 years, but I've never been a fit or strong person by a longshot.

On a warm SC Sunday two weeks ago a wonderful friend of mine invited myself and another buddy to join her at Pee Dee CrossFit (PDCF) for their free beginners class. We walked in, signed the waiver without giving it a glance, learned the standard warm-up, and did a little 10 minute class. That little 10 minute class of theirs left me in more pain and soreness than I've ever experienced in my life. But I was hooked! I couldn't stop thinking about CrossFit and how I needed it in my life, stat.

To become a member at PDCF, everyone must go through a series of four fundamental classes to learn the standard moves likes squats, lifts, presses. The classes conclude with more simple workout than the 'pros' do that still leaves you dripping in sweat and in shear agony. Luckily a good friend of mine works at PDCF and teaches some of the fundamental classes so that took a little bit of the nerves away. After just 3 classes, he cleared us to go all in to the real classes.

Anxious doesn't even beging to describe how I felt walking into to the 5:30 Workout of the Day (WOD) class tonight.  Let me clarify that I'm the back of the Zumba class kind of girl. The one who dreads when we make the turn and everyone can see me. I'm the quiet one who goes to the gym at off hours to do weights so I don't get in the way of the people who really know what they're doing. And the one who starts to hurt or get tired just a little bit and talks myself into leaving. That's me.

Luckily my new CrossFit pal was there starting Day 1 with me and my friend, the instructor, came in on his off day to help show me the ropes and cheer us on. That, plus everyone being SUPER friendly and helpful, made all the difference in the world. Not only did I survive, I worked out right in the middle of everyone, pushed myself far past my limit and finished in a pretty respectable time.

Since this is CrossFit is completely new to me and not something I ever thought I could do I'll be listing the WOD's I do along with my time and how I felt after to keep track of my progress.

7/9/2012 WOD:
6 rounds for time.
9 Cleans (15 lb bar)
12 Overhead Squats (15 lb bar)
15 Toe to Bar (Toe to Stomach)
40 yard Bear Crawl
Time: 24:45

Not only was this my first real class with legit moves and other CrossFitters, but my longest workout to date. Most of the other workouts during Fundamentals lasted about 10 minutes max, not to say they weren't hard, but they were much shorter. Nearing the end of round two it crossed my mind that I physically wouldn't be able to finish, that my legs were going to give out squatting and crawling and that I would fail on the first day. While I don't think it was a miraculous event that occurred tonight, something happened that got me through the 6 rounds and I feel absolutely amazing! Not only physically, but mentally as well because I allowed myself to finish and didn't back out as usual.

Well here's do day one of CrossFitting, blogging, and continuing this new trend of firsts in my life, may there be many more to come!