Sunday, July 7, 2013


I've been working my butt hands off this week for a pull-up. It's so damn close I can taste it!

I've been working little by little on getting my first strict pull-up for the last year, but only recently have I really started putting in extra work to get there. I've talked to the boyfriend about it. To the trainers. Even the gym owner. Is my body just not capable of getting it? Is it physically impossible?

Something the owner said about getting a strict pull-up struck a nerve. His wife, one of the fittest, strongest, and most dedicated women in our gym, couldn't do a strict pull-up until after she mastered kipping pull-ups.

Well damn! If she can't do strict first why do I think I'll ever get it. I have nothing against kipping pull-ups, but there's just something about hanging from the bar and pulling your entire body up versus rocking and using the momentum to help you over the bar. Kipping are great for when you need to string together 10, 15, or 20 pull-ups together quickly. I appreciate them when the time is right, but I want a strict!

That thought sat in the back of my head for a good two weeks. Then I walked by the pull-up bar at the house, jump up so there was a slight bend in my arms and I was able to pull myself up. I did it a few times just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Then I tried hanging. Nothing. I barely budged. Maybe it's not so much strength as it is shoulder flexibility. Damn you shoulders!

I showed the boyfriend and he recommended working on stretching my shoulder girdle regularly to build up flexibility. Done. I mentioned it to one of the trainers and he asked me to show him. He suggested I try kipping again. Thought back to the trainers wife and figured why the hell not.

So Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I kipped my little heart out. My hands are screaming at me to rest! I'm practically there. One day soon I'll walk in, hop on the bar and it's going to happen. I can just feel it. And when that day comes, you'll know it because you'll hear a faint scream of accomplishment!

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