Thursday, December 27, 2012

And so this is Christmas

12/26/2012 WOD:
'12 Days of Christmas'
30 min AMRAP
1 Muscle Up (4 pull-ups, 4 bench dips)
2 HSPU (stinkbug)
3 Thrusters (45 lb)
4 Squat Cleans (45 lb)
5 Pull-Ups
6 KB Swings (26 lb)
7 Burpees
8 Air Squats
9 Wall Balls (8 lb)
10 Knee to Elbow
11 Toes to Bar
12 Sit-Ups
Total: 3 full rounds + 3 (Thrusters)

Whoa! That was one hell of a workout to come back to after my longest break to date. Having the day off I opted to go in for the noon class instead of my usual 5:30. It was nice to get a little sweaty mid-day and made for a productive afternoon. The worst part was the 10th and 11th days of Christmas. Having those back to back left my hands in agony. Getting my knees and toes up wasn't too bad, but my hands hated having to hold me up on the bar. And for the record, 30 minutes is a really long time! I think my new Lululemon shorts helped me get through it!

Less than 24 hours later and my hands seem to have recovered, however the rest of me is pretty sore. I guess that's what I get for only managing one class last week and then taking 6 days off. Damn you Christmas for messing up my schedule! I am refusing to let New Years get in the way.

Just to recap, Christmas was fantastic! I am having a hard time believing it's already come and gone. Wasn't it just Thanksgiving yesterday? I had a great time spending Christmas eve with my family and getting to enjoy the kids go crazy opening their gifts. One of the best parts is that my cousin who is three just had his second open-heart surgery on the 14th was able to be there with us. They didn't expect him home until Christmas eve, but he recovered very quickly and was home by the 19th.

Christmas day was just as great! My girls opened their gifts (new collars) from Santa. Early morning at my folks house exchanging gifts, in pajamas of course! Late lunch with more family. And capped off the wonderful day with a fantastic night with my boyfriend exchanging gifts by our tree and enjoyed a very delicious dinner he cooked for us. Perfect end to a great Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Um, I think you left out this boyfriend bit of information the other night!!!!
