Monday, December 31, 2012

On foot

Yesterday I set out on foot for an eight mile hike with two great people and one big dog. The weather was a bit chilly but there wasn't a cloud in the sky so it was hard to complain.

The first half of the hike to Starbucks flew by! I few people honked and waved. And I imagine lots of people thought we were nuts walking a huge dog through town, but worth the crazy thoughts. Took a nice half-hour break on the patio sipping on yummy beverages trying to stay warm then it back to pounding the pavement. About halfway through the hike back I was starting to get a little tired. And my feet were feeling it too! After about 3 hours we made it back with eight miles and our first urban hike under our belts. Success!

Walking the mostly flat surface and feeling fatigued made me realize I'm going to need to do a bit of training before our Whistler backpacking trip next September. A few hikes in the new boots and probably a few with the weighted pack should be good training.

Already looking forward to the next hike and really looking forward to getting the stamp in my passport when we head to Canada for some real hiking!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Julie and Julia

12/29/2012 WOD:
12 Min AMRAP (1 min work, 1 min rest)
3 Power Cleans (45 lb)
3 Push Press (45 lb)
3 Front Squat (45 lb)
Rounds: 9

Started this morning with a lighter squat as a warm-up. Backed it down to 95 lbs and it's crazy how much lighter it felt. Got a little more negative pull-up work in too. My goal is April for my first pull-up.

Instead of doing the WOD on the board, my (boy)friend the trainer created a little workout for us. With it only being 6 minutes of work it meant you had to go as hard as you could and make the most of your rests. My ultimate goal was 12 rounds, 2 per minute of work, but was just as pleased with 9. We've decided to go for it again at the end of January to see if we both improve. Shooting for 10 rounds next time.

I made a brand new dish Friday night that was delicious! Already looking forward to making it again. It was Julia Child inspired Coq au Vin. And if you've ever been to The Melting Pot, you'll probably start craving it as soon as you pour in the wine because it smells exactly like one of their broths. I would highly recommend you try it. Next time I'm going to swap the chicken for small steaks.

I also roasted my first chicken this weekend too. I had some assistance in the kitchen so I can't take all the credit, but it sure was yummy. A little tip. Next time you roast a chicken, move it to a plate to rest and saute some onions, zucchini  and peppers in the cast iron with the chicken drippings and a little garlic. I promise you won't regret it a bit!

Another first this weekend is that I'm going on my first urban hike. Some people might call it just walking around your city, but no one tells you you're just walking up a mountain, do they? Mapped it out and it should be right at 8 miles total, with a pit stop at Starbucks in the middle to warm up. Caramel Apple Spice, I'm coming for you!

Great weekend of firsts with a few more on schedule!

Friday, December 28, 2012


12/27/2012 WOD:
20 min AMRAP
6 Deadlifts (115 lb)
7 Burpee Pull-ups (Jumping)
10 KB Swings (17 lb)
200 m run
Rounds: 5 complete + 6 deadlifts

After the 30 minute WOD on Wednesday I just knew Thursday was going to be quick. I was wrong! Luckily it didn't feel very long while I was doing it. I was very pleased with myself averaging slightly less than 4 minutes per round. I could totally tell the sprinting had paid off because I gained quite a bit of time back on the run. What slowed me down most was the deadlifts. I was going to do 105 lbs but since I can't do math I ended up doing 115. It was manageable but definitely heavy.

More than the weight, my hands were what really held me back. As soon as I gripped the bar in the first round I knew it was going to be a painful night. All that said, I would like to take back any complaints about my hands hurting. One of my fellow 5:30 gals was unable to do the WOD because her hands had been completely ripped open on Wednesday. I've been very very lucky with my calluses so far.

One of my cousins who lives in California was in town for the holidays. My dad, sister and I met up with her, my aunt and her brother who I also rarely get to see for dinner. It was lots of fun catching up! One of these days I'll make the trip out to visit her, hopefully sooner than later.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

And so this is Christmas

12/26/2012 WOD:
'12 Days of Christmas'
30 min AMRAP
1 Muscle Up (4 pull-ups, 4 bench dips)
2 HSPU (stinkbug)
3 Thrusters (45 lb)
4 Squat Cleans (45 lb)
5 Pull-Ups
6 KB Swings (26 lb)
7 Burpees
8 Air Squats
9 Wall Balls (8 lb)
10 Knee to Elbow
11 Toes to Bar
12 Sit-Ups
Total: 3 full rounds + 3 (Thrusters)

Whoa! That was one hell of a workout to come back to after my longest break to date. Having the day off I opted to go in for the noon class instead of my usual 5:30. It was nice to get a little sweaty mid-day and made for a productive afternoon. The worst part was the 10th and 11th days of Christmas. Having those back to back left my hands in agony. Getting my knees and toes up wasn't too bad, but my hands hated having to hold me up on the bar. And for the record, 30 minutes is a really long time! I think my new Lululemon shorts helped me get through it!

Less than 24 hours later and my hands seem to have recovered, however the rest of me is pretty sore. I guess that's what I get for only managing one class last week and then taking 6 days off. Damn you Christmas for messing up my schedule! I am refusing to let New Years get in the way.

Just to recap, Christmas was fantastic! I am having a hard time believing it's already come and gone. Wasn't it just Thanksgiving yesterday? I had a great time spending Christmas eve with my family and getting to enjoy the kids go crazy opening their gifts. One of the best parts is that my cousin who is three just had his second open-heart surgery on the 14th was able to be there with us. They didn't expect him home until Christmas eve, but he recovered very quickly and was home by the 19th.

Christmas day was just as great! My girls opened their gifts (new collars) from Santa. Early morning at my folks house exchanging gifts, in pajamas of course! Late lunch with more family. And capped off the wonderful day with a fantastic night with my boyfriend exchanging gifts by our tree and enjoyed a very delicious dinner he cooked for us. Perfect end to a great Christmas!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mission Accomplished

12/22/2012 LP:
Back Squat: 120 lb
Press: 45 lb
Prowler Push: 30 yd @ 165 lb, 90 yd @ 115 lb

I did it!!!! This morning I officially squatted more than I weigh. It felt amazing. And heavy! Merry Christmas to me! Standing up for the first time with the bar on my back all I could think of was, I'm heavy. My next goal is to hit 135. While I'm not sure all 15 reps will be possible, if I can at least get one I'll be beyond thrilled. That my next goal because that's just slightly less than I weighed at my heaviest before starting CrossFit. We'll find out in about 3 weeks if it's possible. Oh and in case you haven't done the math like I have, hitting 120 today puts me at adding 75 lbs on the bar since I started. That's how much my dog weighs!

A giant humongous thanks to my trainer for first suggesting I start the progression and secondly for helping me reach my goal! Never would have happened without his help and support.

Instead of sprinting, I decided to give the prowler another go. I've only had a chance to play with it once and that was 5 months ago back in July when I was first starting out. Unfortunately for my max effort push at 165 I forgot to change out of my chucks and into my inov-8s. Either way I went just a little more than double what I was able to back then. I love making progress! I made the switch for my 115 pushes and was spent by my last go. I'm sure between the squats and the prowler I'm going to be feeling it tomorrow.

I spent the majority of my afternoon running all over town with the college kid, seriously we went everywhere. However we were very productive! Wrapped up the last few bits of Christmas shopping and almost finished my 26 Random Acts of Kindness.. I've got #26 left to do and I plan on taking care of it tonight. Doing good deeds for others when they least expect it is an amazing feeling. I highly recommend you try it, even if it's something as small as leaving a dollar on a vending machine for the next person. They'll greatly appreciate it and hopefully they'll pay it forward and do something nice for another stranger. There are still plenty of good people in this world!

Time for dinner with an old college friend! I'm very happy we've reconnected over the last few months. I love catching up with her and having a bit of girl time.

3 days until Christmas!!!

Friday, December 21, 2012

The End is Near

12/20/2012 WOD:
10 min AMRAP
30 double unders (120 singles)
15 Power Snatch (35 lb)
Rounds: 3 + 90 singles

I was feeling off all day and wasn't overly thrilled about working out but I had a feeling I'd feel back to normal once I did it. Thankfully, I was right!

My goal was 3 rounds. Mission accomplished! I was able to do my first two sets of singles unbroken which I was pretty happy about. The second round especially because I was beat after the first!

It was also my first time doing snatches from the ground. I know my form isn't 100% accurate, but I felt good about it. Tried to remember to keep the bar close to my body and to shrug it up instead of pulling it out and then overhead. I was more unsure about the weight going into it than my form. And surprisingly it didn't feel heavy at all. That said, my traps are pretty sore this morning. Tom Hardy I'm coming for you. Expect me to play your long lost sister in Warrior 2.

Another first last night at PDCF was that I felt for the first time I looked like a CrossFitter. Not that I was going for that feeling or look, but my wardrobe came together for what I think of as one of the iconic looks for women in CrossFit. Part 1: The Shoes. Part 2: The Shorts Part 3: The CF Gym Shirt. Of course there are variations on this look. However, there was another girl in there last night with me wearing almost an identical outfit. Same shoe, but different colour. Same cut of shorts, but different brand and colour. And we both had on our gray PDCF Go. Hard. shirts. Actually three of us were rocking the same shirt. While I don't feel like I need to dress a certain way to workout, it was neat to wear one of the "standard outfits."

I was very glad it was a short workout because I had a fun girl's night planned with two of my favorite people! We gabbed, exchanged gifts, talked about boys, got yummy food and watched Pitch Perfect, which they both adore apparently. It was a great night and worth missing out on a little sleep for. Planning to get at least one more in before their break is over, but hopefully two!

Four days until Christmas!!!!!! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The baker

12/17/2012 LP:
Back Squat: 115 lbs
Press: 45 lbs
Sprint: 3 min tabata row

I wanted so badly to just stick another 5 lbs on to the bar after I finished my sets of squats to say I hit 120, but I held back. It was realized yesterday that I've added 70 lbs to the bar since I started back in September. That is just insane. Especially since I have never lifted weights in my life! I'm very excited with the progress I've made so far and very eager to do that first rep of 120 in a few days.

With Christmas eve falling on my normal lifting day and the gym having shorter hours, I've moved next weeks progression up to this Saturday. I just couldn't wait until later next week. Hitting 120 will be an amazing present to myself this year! I just have to make sure I don't eat many more Christmas cookies this week or it won' be 120 will be less than my body weight!

The 45 lb weight for the press is getting slightly easier. It always feels super easy the first rep having just moved 115 lbs around. I was instructed on my last set to do as many reps as I could and not just stop at five. My goal was ten but I made it to eight, still happy about it!

Because of a pretty heavy rain sprints had to be postponed so a quick tabata row filled in. Holy crap was it hard! My legs and butt were dead when I finished! I was really looking forward to finally hitting ten sets of of the 40 yd sprints, but I can wait until next week.

I got home to find a fabulous Christmas card in my mailbox that came with a even more fabulous Christmas mix cd! I love my CrossFit folks!!! I had planned to just enjoy a quiet night at home, but the mix inspired me to do a little impromptu baking. So far this season I've made white trash, monster cookies, shortbread, oatmeal raisin cookies, and last night I whipped up some M & M cookies. On my list between now and Christmas is another batch of shortbread (whatever you do use the somewhat expensive and very delicious Kerry Gold butter, totally worth it!), Oreo truffles, buckeyes, and two highly demanded apple pies per my future brother-in-law. I think I might get the boot on Christmas day if I don't have the pies in hand.

I have been trying to give away most of my baked goodies and treats so I don't eat them all myself, but I've at least tasted everything so far. Not a bit of it has been primal/paleo, but it's Christmas and I know I won't bake like this until next year so I'm going to enjoy it! I know there are paleo Christmas cookie recipes, but reading them just makes me sad. I'm all for being dedicated to a lifestyle, but there is no substitute for a good cookie. And your life will be better for enjoying a good cookie!


Monday, December 17, 2012

For a good time call Fran!

12/15/2012 WOD:
Thrusters (45 lb)
Pull-ups (jumping)
Time: 7:49 (PR)

Saturday's workouts aren't included in the weekly designed programming. It's up to whoever is working that day to decide what we do. That said, I put in a formal request for Fran. I haven't done it since late August so I was eager to see if I could beat my old time and do it with heavier weights. Goal accomplished! I knocked 14 seconds off my time, upped my thruster weight by 10 lbs, and did jumping pull-ups instead of banded. All around it was a successful morning that I was proud of! I was even told after that I had one of the best forms of the day for the thrusters. Wahoo!!!

The rest of my weekend was fantastic as usual! A really great dinner out with my family Friday night at Redbone. Graduation celebrations Saturday afternoon for a guy whom I'm extremely proud of! A fun night of good food and Ted with the college kid and the boyfriend. And finished off the weekend baking yummy treats with my mom. It was funny having her ask me for tips with baking since she's my mom and she's supposed to be the one providing tips.

Seven days and counting 'til Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Queen

12/13/2012 WOD:
12 Handstand Push-ups (Stinkbug)
12 Sit-ups
12 Air Squats
200 m run
Rounds: 4

Yep, still not a fan of stinkbugs. HOWEVER....I was able to do my first round of 12 unbroken. Granted I still can't quite touch my head to the floor, but I'm at least within an inch of it and I'm not able to lower myself down controlled instead of just falling forward like when I started. Progress is progress dammit! Though our trainer was giving me hell for not touching the floor. I tried to tell him, if I touch the ground I can't get back up but he wasn't buying it.

We also were introduced to a new standard for sit-ups. No more bent knees! Legs are straight on the floor and your back comes up to make a 90 degree angle. By the last round I could really start to feel the difference. And don't tell anyone, but I kind of look forward to sit-ups being in a WOD these days. Oh how much can change in 5 months!

The squats were a breeze and so was the run. I made my last run in less than a minute and could finally tell the sprinting is paying off! I made it in the door with 3 seconds to spare! I love it when the trainers come outside to yell at us push us during our runs. It's so easy to slack off, especially at the end when you've already given it your all. It's funny the power that ticking clock can have on you!

The real reason last night was such a great WOD was because the college kid was finally back! And she'll be here for a good three weeks too!!! So excited to get to workout with her again. She has lots of new people to meet that have come in since she left back in August.

Unfortunately I had to miss out the ladies CF Christmas party last night as I had forgotten I had already made plans a few weeks back. Since I had to miss a 5k last weekend that I originally said I'd run and now this party I have officially been given the title of Queen Backer Outerer, even though I've had very legitimate excuses for not making it to both. I must attend the next party, no matter what! We do have a fantastic group of women up there and I always have a great time hanging out with them. I'm sad I missed out, it looks like they had a great time!

Should be another fantastic weekend again! Really looking forward to spending some time with family and friends this weekend and hopefully finding a little time in there to squeeze in my last bit of Christmas shopping.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Suzy Homemaker

12/10/2012 LP:
Back squat: 110 lbs
Press: 45 lb
Sprint: 9 x 40 yd

Of course the bar is going to continue to get heavier but its starting to get noticeably heavier. I just want to make it two more weeks to 120, after that I don't care as much if I hit my wall. Even though it was getting heavy tonight, I still was able to squeeze out all 15 reps.

My forearm was pretty tight from the truck washing this weekend so I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle the press. Happily I was able to finish my three sets and felt even better after. No more pain with my grip! 

While I'm really enjoying my lifting program, part of me is ready to hit the wall to see what's next. Will I just drop back down on the weights and start progressing again? Will I try start progression on a different lift? 

I finished off my night by baking up some monster cookies and making Christmas ornaments for gifts. Both of which I haven't done before. Felt like Suzy Homemaker going back and forth between crafting and taking freshly baked cookies out the over. 

And for a little treat I present Jack White's performance of 'I'm Shakin' from Conan:

Monday, December 10, 2012

On the road again

This weekend wore me out!!! On three separate occasions I was struggling to keep my eyes open and one of those times was at 9:30 am on Sunday. And it wasn't from lack of sleep, just a busy weekend that left me drained.

This weekend also provided me an opportunity to experience a few new things for the first time as well. To save some time, because my forearms are sore and typing is difficult, I'm just going to list them.
  • Power washed Pepsi trucks at a bottling plant (exhausting work!)
  • Ate purple sweet potatoes
  • Walked around with a weighted pack on my back
  • Had a piece of crusty delicious french bread (first since September)
  • Ate eggs cooked in rendered duck fat
  • Found Pinata apples before January
  • Purchased XS clothing item (first in a few years)
My trainer friend from PDCF/future roommate invited me up for the weekend to Raleigh. It was nice to get out of town for a quick trip and to test my sense of adventure with a few new things. I had a great time, but I'm still recovering from the exhaustion. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be back to my normal state! 

Being in Raleigh also provided an opportunity to hit up one of my most favorite stores, REI. I jump for the chance to get to go in that place. I have a couple of things I'm eyeing for future purchases so it was nice to scope things out and get an idea for what I'm leaning toward. Time to start accruing some dividends! 

Looking forward to a great and busy week full of quality time at PDCF, Christmas parties, family dinners, baking, The Hobbit and of course the college kid finally coming home for the semester! It's going to be mega-fun having her back at the gym and around to hang out with again. 

14 days until Christmas! 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Jerk It

12/6/2012 WOD:
50 Double Unders (200 singles)
10 Push Jerk (40 lb)
Time: 18:22

After 5 months, I have finally wrapped my head around the jerk. I just didn't think about it for once and I was able to do it for the first time. Why did I ever have such a hard time dropping back under the weight? I love when things just click like that. Makes all the time, energy and sweat worth it. I think I am now finally mostly confident in my ability to do all the standard lifts. And in good form too!

Now if only I could conquer double unders! They're going to take some time, I know. And it's not for lack of understanding how to do them, it's just simple inability. I did finally get to try out a fellow 5:30-er's Rogue jump rope. Or skipping rope as she calls it in her native Canada. I have no problems using the ones we have at PDCF whatsoever, but there is a difference between ours and hers. It's much faster. And the custom length would be awfully nice. Santa, are you paying attention?

Just like usual, the workout flew by and was over before I knew it. Not sure I remember feeling that in the middle of round three, but that's how it sits in my head now. Memory is a funny thing, huh?

The week is winding down again and it's been a fantastic one. Three great workouts. A few more Christmas gifts purchased. Good quality time with my two girls. First holiday baking of the season. Productivity at the office and at home. Lots of laughs with friends. It's been a wonderful week! And looking at my calendar, it looks like they're just going to keep getting better and better as the year comes to an end.

19 days and counting...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I'm a Light Weight

12/4/2012 WOD:
15 Kettlebell Swings (17 lb)
15 Power Cleans (35 lb)
15 Box Jumps
Time: 23:05

I know, my weights were lighter. The 7 rounds threw me for a loop. I knew heavy KB swings would kill me so I stayed safe but I could have at least done 40 lbs on the cleans.

And speaking of cleans, its been a while since I've done them during a workout and not to toot my own horn, but my form was pretty great! Low hips, big shrug, kept it close and elbows out. I know my collarbone will probably be bruised tomorrow from dropping it too hard, but it was worth it to keep a good pace.

Christmas is officially only three weeks away! I was stressing earlier about gifts and baking and spending time with friends and all the parties but I've decided no more stress. This is one of the best times of the year and I'm going to make the most of every second of it dammit! Christmas is coming whether I freak out or enjoy it so might as well do the latter, right? Here's to a fabulous and fun Christmas season!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Three weeks and counting

12/3/2012 LP:
Back squat: 105 lb
Press: 45 lb
Sprints: 8 x 40 yd

Tonight's squat was a little different for the norm. Usually the first and third set are the toughest, but tonight the second was toughest. Very strange! It's getting heavier for sure, but I still think I have a little more weight in me.

For the first time in a few weeks I wasn't dreading the press. It wasn't easy, but it was drastically easier than the last few weeks. I'm going to stick to that weight for a few weeks then start adding back on.

I'm spending the rest of my night in the kitchen. Let the first batch of holiday's goodies commence! And let all that weight I lost eating right and working hard start slowly creeping back! I'm not planning on baking as much so as not to tempt myself this year and I'll be giving away the majority of what I make. I just can't not bake all together, it wouldn't feel like Christmas.

One last note, there are exactly three weeks until Christmas eve. Go ahead and freak out like I did earlier when I realized it. I still have almost all of my family and friends to shop for. Actually, the only person I have shopped for is my sister. And I have zero ideas. It's going to be a stressful three weeks!

Better late than never

Thirty Days of Thankfulness
Day 30: I am thankful for a happy life.

I love my life! It might not always be what I expected or without hiccups, but I am happy and I am very grateful for that. I have an amazing family, a wonderful small group of close friends, a good job, adorable pups, unbelievable workout buddies and a healthy able body. I have no reason to complain and am very thankful for my happy life! 

12/1/2012 WOD:
12 min Tabata
Dumbbell Thruster - right arm (15 lb)
Dumbbell Thruster - left arm (15 lb)
Reps: ???

I don't have a result for the workout on Saturday. I went in during a non-class time and did the workout on my own. I tried to keep tabs on how many reps I was doing in the first round of each movement, but I quickly lost track due to heavy breathing and wanting to stop! I've never done dumbbell thrusters before. Boy were they tough! My arms didn't really start to fatigue until the last two rounds or so, but my legs felt like noodles about three rounds deep. The first round I did nine reps and by the last ones I was struggling to get four done. And the burpees were burpees. They're never a good time. 

I have to apologize for finishing up my 30 days 3 days late. I had a pretty busy weekend that kept me away from almost all forms of tech. I didn't even text or talk to the college kid all day Saturday and most of Sunday. Very strange for me indeed! Though it was a busy weekend, it was a great one! Great food, quick workout, quality family time, wonderful puppy cuddles, and lots of time outside in the amazing weekend weather!