Saturday, August 4, 2012

Four Day Work Week

8/4/2012 WOD:
AMRAP, 10 minutes
10 Push Press (30 lb)
10 Kettlebell Swing (18 lb)
10 Box Jumps
Rounds: 5 complete + 12 partial reps

I pushed through my second week of four workouts. Even at my highest level of dedication to my previous gyms or workout regimes, I never enjoyed it, stuck with it, and looked forward to it like I do now. I also was never able to notice changes in myself physically just 5 weeks in. I'm saying it again, CrossFit is amazing!

I woke up to one of the best texts I've ever gotten this morning. My friend who invited me to join her for the free CrossFit class last month that got me hooked was unable to join after the introduction because the membership fees were a little too pricey for her. She even asked myself and my other friend, who joined with me, to stop talking about it because she was sad she couldn't afford it. So this morning I woke up to a text from her that said, "I know you're sleeping but I just decided I'm going to join your gym. If I stop smoking I'll be able to afford the $30 extra a month to join." I'm excited she's joining but I am beyond thrilled she's going to quit smoking to do it! I hate seeing people I care about smoke so this makes me very happy.

Now to enjoy the rest of my weekend with a little relaxation and some quality time with friends and family. I'm one lucky girl.

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