Sunday, June 23, 2013

Almost famous

Since I had my lapse in writing for a few weeks I decided to just stick to logging my WODs in my CrossFit app instead of doing both. Plus, there's more to life than WOD's...right?!?! Though I'm coming up on my 1 year anniversary. I cannot believe it's been a year. More than that, I can't believe I've stuck with a fitness routine for longer than a month. That has never ever happened in my life. I still have a bunch of things I want to achieve, like a pull-up, but I've made some amazing progress this year that I couldn't be more thrilled about. Here's to another year of accomplishments! 

I was made famous again this week by an article in the local paper about the upcoming corn hole tournament next week. They used a photo from last year's tourney that has me in it. So I'm not quite famous, but it had the folks at work chatting. The boyfriend and I signed up for the tourney and I'm stoked! I cleared it with the college kid first though, since she's my OG partner. She's got some friends coming into town to play so we'll have go out together and have a blast like last year. Though I am curious if we'll run across some folks who used to be apart of my daily life but aren't any longer. Never know in this tiny town!

The boyfriend left yesterday for his annual family vacation in Florida. I was originally supposed to be going, however, with the new job that plan got the shaft. I'm somewhat okay with it because it means I won't burn through my vacation days up front and it will leave a few extra days to take for Columbus. And for when I need time off for the divorce. But boy oh boy do I wish I were down there right now. Running on the beach would have been way more fun than running through the neighborhood alone this morning. Thankfully I had Girl Talk to help me through it. Columbus will be here before I know it!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Doggie Paddle

This is a good solid month old so it's not quite news anymore, but it's still new here! A few months back my folks gave the boyfriend a gift certificate for paddleboarding in Folly Beach. Well about a month ago we left the pups at home and took a quick weekend trip to Charleston to cash in!

First off, we ate some pretty great food! A neat restaurant in Mt. Pleasant on Friday called Crave. I wasn't looking for this in particular, but they had a paleo/CrossFIt diet menu which worked perfectly for the boyfriend. Sure, I'm still not eating processed foods and eating mostly paleo, but it's Charleston. No rules for moi! Chiplotle sliders and mac & cheese for me. Steak, veggies and mashed potatoes for the boyfriend. 

Emily-1, Boyfriend-0

And after dinner in our wandering around downtown we passed this dessert bar that had a door person. The fact that it had a door person hooked the boyfriend so we went back. He got the very delicious apple pie and ice cream and I choose butterfinger cake. 

Emily-1, Boyfriend-1

With the foodie war tied, I knew I was going to make a pretty easy come back at brunch when we saw the menu at Eli's Table. Sweet potato pancakes and a scratch made biscuit for me. Some kind of veggie omelette and a side of fruit for him.

We have  a winner folks! 

Paddleboarding was the real reason for the trip and boy oh boy was it fun! The spot we paddled out at Folly probably wouldn't be my first pick, but I loved the experience and cannot wait to do it again. Neither the boyfriend nor I fell and we somehow managed to stay ahead of the pack. You can call us naturals I suppose!  Well not really, but it did feel pretty comfortable. 

The CrossFit competitiveness in my refused to allow this other woman to come into the boat landing before I did as we finished up. Just a few harder strokes of the paddle and I was the clear winner. I didn't realize the classes had worn off on me like that until that moment, but I suppose I should have expected it.

All it all it was a fantastic weekend away and I'm looking forward to another day trip down next month. 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

On the run

Well I started writing a post through my ever so handy blogger app early this morning, put it down to go for a 2 mile run, which was what I was writing about, and came back to find out it wasn't there anymore. Maybe the app isn't so handy after all.

Anywho...this week started the official training for my next race the Columbus (Ohio) half-marathon. The boyfriend and his family have been running it and the full for a few years now so I got invited up for the fun. The best part is that the boyfriend, who qualified for and ran the Boston marathon a few years back, wants to do my training runs with me. Knowing I'll be running at about a 10 min/mile pace, it makes me giddy that he has the patience to train with me! We'll also be running the race together so he can point out all the cool stuff along the course. I'm pretty stoked.

Training plan looks something like this. Sprints on Tuesday after CrossFit. Long runs on Sunday mornings starting today with 2 miles. And regular CrossFit classes as I've been doing the past 11-ish months. Not my usual training routine but he ran Boston so I cant help but trust him. Oh yeah and he went out and ran the half last year not doing a single training run before. Who does that?!? I guess he does.

Here's to 13.1!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm back!

Quite a few things have happened in the last few weeks! And of course I've wanted to blog about them all but I was settling into a new routine and couldn't figure out where blogging fit in there.

First off, that real job I interviewed for I didn't get. Technically. The position I interviewed for was offered to someone else within the company, so they offered me that woman's position. I'm now an accounting assistant for a pretty big farm/vegetable canning company. So far so good! I'm in the middle of my third week so I'm just getting settled in and comfortable with most people. I'm very excited about the possibilities with this company. And with getting more experience in accounting since my degree was in psych. I know it will help me big time when I decide it's time to move on to new places (not anytime soon!)

Living with the boyfriend is still going fantastically well! The dogs have all settled into the new routine and are loving their daily walks through the neighborhood. I've had some fun since moving in with painting the dining room and kitchen. Just one last room to paint, but that will be a joint project.

Just a few more weeks of married life (hopefully)! I filed papers last month and the ex agreed with everything and filed his agreement last week. All that's left is to get a court date. Fingers crossed that goes smoothly and the judge doesn't ask a bunch of questions!

All in all life is still pretty grand! I'm happy to be getting back into a regular routine and to get guy up and running regularly again. No more hiatus!